Video Game Deals

VirZoom Early Bird Special!

If my last post about the VirZoom exercise bike for Virtual Reality systems (Oculus, Playstation VR, or HTC Vive) intrigued you, you might want to read on.

VirZoom just announced today that they are giving free lifetime VirZOOM Plus memberships to the first 1000 people who pre-order. “Plus” memberships are going to cost $9.99 a month at launch and will give you access to things like online multiplayer mode, leaderboards, fitness tracking for your household, and access to any new games they produce for life.

It’s not hard to do the math…at a value of $9.99 a month it means that your entire price will be paid for in two years, and if the demo I saw is any indication this is a company that’ll be sticking around for a lot more than that. This is the kind of product that’ll drive people to buy VR systems, I know it will me.

You can read more on their blog post here.

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