So, if you recall a few months ago when I saw there weren’t a ton more Wii games coming to review, I mentioned I would be considering getting a fitness tracker like a FitBit or an Apple Watch. But for the longest time I just couldn’t justify spending $400 on a watch, and as for the FitBit, my Wii U tracker was giving me all the information I needed, thank you very much (plus, the FitBit doesn’t let you use your accrued miles to climb Mount Fuji).
Well, as often happens, Black Friday changed my mind. Specifically, Apple Watches on Best Buy were going to $50 off, something you never quite hear of happening with Apple products. Target had a nice sale too where they’d give a gift card for buying a watch, but I liked the straightforwardness of the Best Buy discount. By the way, if you’re reading this the weekend of Black Friday you still have time to get one for even more–$100 off
I was wondering where to take this blog, now that publishers have all but abandoned the Wii. In a way it’s not a bad thing, because it got to the point where there was just so much garbage being developed by publishers who wanted to cash in on the crazy while it was happening. As you can see from the two “best of” lists, the ones that did work worked great (and I’m still using my Wii U as part of my exercise routine).
In addition, Nintendo announced years ago that they were going to be developing more gadgets, games, and systems focusing on quality of life and fitness. That never came to pass and there’s some speculation that the company has abandoned the idea, another unfortunate bit of news after the very untimely passing of Satoru Iwata,
And so while from time to time I’ll revisit the old games and talk about new ways to use them, and of course I’ll update you as soon as I hear anything about Nintendo’s forays into things like its Quality of Life initiative and the vitality sensor, I’ll also turn my attention to other devices that make “fitness so fun you forget you’re working out”. So that, plus Black Friday 2015, pushed me to getting my own Apple Watch. Yes, I’m months late to the game, but hopefully I’ll make up for it with my detail as I attempt to maximize the use of all its fitness capabilities.
More soon!